About Us


National Cyber Security Research Council (NCSRC) is actively involved in employing the best cyber safety experts to protect from cyberattacks. To further the cause of creating a safer digital environment, NCSRC is focused on building science and engineering foundations for encouraging research and development aimed at making digital structures more secure and pursuing technological advancements.

Towards this end, National cyber security research council is carrying out extensive awareness, training and education campaigns, so that the public are made aware of internet, and how they should be careful and avoid falling into cyber traps. In addition, the National Cyber Security Research Council has embarked on setting up cyber security research centers across India, with the objective of conducting research, training and hands-on lab environment for universities, industry and professionals. These research labs will also be involved in detecting, analyzing and preventing cyber threats/ attacks and forensics.

National Cyber Security Research Council has done extensive research in the Cyber domain to understand the nature of cyber threats and Cyber Crimes. We have understood that multi-faceted cyber technology cannot be handled by common standards and security policies. Thus, a Common Platform to facilitate the experts to provide an effective solution for the complex and alarming problems in the society towards cyber security domain. National Cyber Security Research Council is developing innovative strategies and compliance procedures to curb the increasing complexity of the Global Cyber Threats.


National Cyber Security Research Council in association with various State and Central Governments have taken visionary initiatives to safeguard the Nation from the current threats in the Cyberspace towards National Security.

In brief

NCSRC will be setting up research centers across the country in collaboration with various colleges and universities, with the following primary objectives:
  • To encourage students who would like to take up a career in cyber security.
  • To provide students with a hands-on environment, so they can practice what they learn.
  • To provide opportunities towards advanced research and publishing of papers for deserving students.
  • To assist the industry and the Government in cyber forensics.


The mission of National Cyber Security Research Council is to create a safe nation where citizens are educated and trained to evade the traps of the internet. Likewise, to empower various governmental organizations, defense participants, industries and educational institutions with current and up to date security protocols to protect their critical digital infrastructure.

  • National Security
  • Web Application Security
  • Networking Security
  • Mobile Security
  • Malware
  • IOT
  • Cyber Forensics
  • Social Engineering
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