Corporate membership

We welcome Professionals and Business Entrepreneurs from India as corporate members into our forum. Together we will strive towards conducting seminars, conferences, creating solutions that will be bridged in joint projects & deliberations between the committee.

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Institutional membership

  1. Professional Development: will be offering membership benefits that focus on professional development, such as access to training, coaching, or mentoring programs. This can help members enhance their skills and advance their careers.
  2. Community and Networking: Membership in our organization can provide access to a community of like-minded individuals, allowing members to network, share ideas, and learn from each other.
  3. Personalization: members may be offered with personalized recommendations or tailored experiences to their members based on their preferences, purchase history, or other factors.
  4. Customer Service: Members may receive special service benefits, such as priority support or dedicated service representatives.
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Individual membership

Individuals from private as well as public sectors, including MNCs, Enterprises, Industrial Bodies, Academic Institutions, MSMEs.

  1. Access to exclusive resources: Members will be given access to exclusive online resources, tools, or databases that are not available to the general public.
  2. Networking opportunities: Organizations may host events or conferences where members can network and connect with other professionals in their field.
  3. Professional development opportunities: Members will have access to training programs, certifications, or other educational opportunities to help them further their careers.
  4. Publications: Members will receive regular newsletters, magazines, or other publications that contain industry news, updates, and information
  5. Leadership opportunities: Members will have the opportunity to serve on committees or boards within the organization, allowing them to take on leadership roles and make decisions that shape the organization's direction.
  6. Recognition: The Organization will publicly recognize members for their contributions or achievements within the industry.
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Student membership

A student member of NCSRC will have access to plenty of opportunities. They can network with Indian and global cyber security experts & professionals to assist in framing the Cyber Security policies. Any individual (above 18+ years) is eligible for our student Membership.

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