About us

Organization Profile

Our nation is facing huge threats from various countries through cyber attacks and information thefts. National Cyber Security Research Council has taken a visionary initiative to curb and enervate the notoriously spreading cyber threats from various directions and dimensions.

National Cyber Security Research Council has been established with a great vision to safeguard the nation from the current threats in cyberspace.

The multi-dimensional structure of technology in cyberspace poses a great challenge in handling the complex problems in the cyber domain.

Cyber Security is a daunting National Security Problem and we're applying decades of expertise to the task. As the most networked nation on earth, India is extremely vulnerable. To keep systems safe from foil attacks, National Cyber Security Research Council develops protective technologies, conducts threat assessments and analyzes Government, Military and several Civilian computer networks.

National Cyber Security Research Council

National Cyber Security Research Council is in association with various State and Central Governments that have taken visionary initiatives to curb and enervate the notoriously spreading cyber threats from various directions and dimensions to safeguard the Nation from the current threats in the Cyberspace towards National Security.